

Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida’s Annual Cookie Sale Program Dates: January 19 – February 12  — be sure to check out our Girl Scout Cookie Booth Calendar — this calendar will show where you can find us.

With a Girl Scout Cookie, a girl can DREAM MORE. She has MORE OPPORTUNITIES. She is MORE EMPOWERED; and she can DO MORE than she ever thought possible! Girls can GIVE MORE to their communities. What Can A Cookie Do – More Than You Can See: Simply stated, a Girl Scout Cookie does More than you see!  The girls in our troop have set BIG Goals — they have BIG DREAMS . . . A large majority (90%) of our girls set a goal to sell 1,000 or more boxes of cookies!  WHY?  There are several reasons:

1.  Our troop is going to visit Savannah, GA, the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low, our founder this summer for the 100 year Anniversary of Girl Scouts.  The troop’s cookie profits will cover the cost of the trip for our girls — a great memory building and learning experience.

2.  We will donate 5% of our profits to Habitat for Humanity — several of our girls want to help build a house

3.  We will be making a strong commitment to the ‘Cookies for the Military’ Program to support our men and women overseas

4.  The girls win great prizes:

  • 1000 boxes of cookies sold and they can choose between 1 week of Girl Scout Summer Camp or a Super Deluxe Nikon Digital Camera
  • 1500 boxes of cookies sold and they can choose from 4 tickets to an Orlando Theme Park or a Nintendo 3 DS + a $100 gift card
  • 2000 boxes of cookies sold and they can choose between a $400 Visa gift card or an Ipad 2

Celebrating a Hundred Years of Girl Scouting.

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Family and Girl Resources

Troop and Troop Cookie Sale Manager Resources

We would like to thank our parents and volunteers for making the commitment to help guide our girls in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

 Ebudde Login and Resources

Girl Scout Cookie Varieties, Nutrition info and Recipes

This year’s Girl Scout Cookie line-up includes the following eight Cookie Varieties. Click on each one to view Nutrition Facts and Diet Exchanges:

 Girl Scout Safety Guidelines

What Can A Cookie Do – More Than You Can See

The Girl Scout Cookie Sale Program is the largest girl-led business in the country that helps girls develop five key business and leadership skills that will last a lifetime.

Five Key Business and Leadership Skills are –

  • Goal Setting as she sets cookie sales goals and makes plans to reach them.
  • Decision-Making as she decides how her group will spend the cookie money.
  • Money Management as she takes orders and handles customers’ money.
  • People Skills as she learns to talk and listen to all kinds of people while selling.
  • Business Ethics as she is honest and responsible every step of the sale.

  • Girls are members of a group working towards a common goal.
  • Last year our local troops earned just over $1M in troop proceeds.
  • Supports local Girl Scout programs, activities and camps.
  • These proceeds provide funding opportunities for troops to participate in activities and provide service to their community.

Girl Scouts of the USA

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